Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Cat Obsession

I've had a pretty good last few days, not a whole lot of outbursts, not panic attacks. All in all, good week. So I wanted to introduce my obsession(s). MY CATS! And I'll tell you now, if you've met a crazy cat lady they are not anywhere near as crazy as me.

First up: Marilynn Grace (yes all my cats have full names)

My fiance and I adopted Marilynn from out local animal shelter October of 2013 and in the short 7 months that we have had her she has become the light of my life. In the shelter she was apart from most of the other kittens (she was 4 months old when we got her) because she was timid and didn't like to play with the others. We took a chance on the scared little black kitten and in no time she was the most amazing thing in the world. She is spoiled and loves to cuddle up on the bed. We had a scare last March when we got her spayed. She lost oxygen to her brain during the surgery and had a stroke. Sitting in the vets office I was handed my unconscious ball of fur and was told to "make her as comfortable as possible" (we all know what that means). Within 2 weeks she was back to her crazy self (she was blind for most of the 2 weeks). I'm so thankful that God took care of my baby girl and I cherish every day with her.
The Day we Brought her Home :)

She's not a baby anymore :(

 Next: Audrey Elizabeth

Audrey was a little bit of a surprise, my mom's friend's cat had kittens and we decided to take one. We decided to take the one that looked most like Marilynn so we took the little black one, of course. We took her home mid May 2014 so we haven't had much time with her but she is a feisty ball of fur. She likes to attack anything that moves and is happy to jump up in your lap and try to eat whatever food is on your plate. I guess you could say she's spoiled. Her and Marilynn love each other like crazy (and I think they think they're mother and daughter) It's pretty adorable.
The Day we Brought Audrey Home :)
Just Plain Adorable

And Last But Not Least: Dwight Vincent

Dwight was even more of a surprise. He is Audrey's biological brother, the last of the litter to be adopted. The family couldn't find anyone that wanted him and were going to take him to the shelter. Well, I wasn't going to let that happen. He is just too cute to give up. He and Audrey wrestle and cuddle and love on each other all the time and it is adorable (even at 5am). He love snuggling and we love snuggling him. He also likes to try to eat off your plate but hey, what two month old has table manners?
The Day We Brought Him Home :) (he didn't like the car)
Precious <3

So there you have it, my crazy obsession with my cats. Just call me the Crazy Cat Lady.

This is all 3 of them trying to fit in one cat bed :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Sorority Stereotype

I guess this is something that bugs me the most about the world. Stereotypes. The assumption that you know anything about someone because of what group they belong to or what they look like. Something that hits home for me is the "Sorority Girl" Stereotype.

I am a member of Chi Omega. Let me guess, most of you now assume I am a skinny, white girl with long blonde hair. I'm a PR major right? Daddy buys me whatever I want? (because of course I'm rich) I'm spoiled? I party too much will never do anything with my life other than win Miss America or marry rich? Most people I know who are not in a sorority assume that we all joined for one of two reasons, 1. to have a reason to party all the time or 2. sit around and bitch with a bunch of girls. While I won't deny that we party and we sit around and bitch, that is NOT the reason most of us joined a sorority.

When I was in high school I was kind of a loner. I didn't have many friends. I laid low, paid my dues and got out the first chance I got. When I got to college I had no plans to change how I was, but when my roommate told me that she was going to participate in Panhellenic Recruitment I was kind of curious and decided to go along with her. After my first two days I never looked back. I never realized what I was missing. Not the parties, not the shopping, not the hair/nail doing while pigging out watching Disney movies. SISTERS, that's what I was missing in life. A group of wonderful girls who I know always have my back and will always be there for me to cry on their shoulders.

Sure, being in a sorority I have learned how to craft with my eyes closed, how to play "Slap the Bag", how to jump up, dance on a table and have a great time. BUT in my 3 years Chi Omega has also taught me that I am more than a white girl that goes out and parties. I am more than getting drunk on a Friday night. I am more than my pretty hair and tan skin. I am more than any stereotype you can throw at me AND will be much more in life than my husband's wife.

I am a student. I am a philanthropist. I am a Christian. I am a daughter. I am brain. I can do anything and be anything with the confidence given to me by my sisters.

I am a Chi Omega sister.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

First Blog

So this is my first crack at blogging. I mainly made this just so I have an outlet, somewhere I can say whatever I want, whenever I want and not have to hear anyone try to "solve" my problems. Because frankly, not every problem has a solution.

I was recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and trying to overcome what seems impossible to deal with. I am a 20 year old college student who is engaged and working toward getting married next year. The stress of working, going to school, and planning a wedding gets tough with my anxiety sometimes. Luckily my fiance is very understanding of my condition and has some how found a way to deal with my random, extreme anger toward almost nothing (a typical symptom  of BPD)

So, if you want to read my random rantings feel free.
Hate-Free and Judgement-Free Zone so take your hateful words elsewhere.